Woman arrested after asking Police to check quality of cocaine


A woman was arrested in France early on Tuesday morning after she asked a police officer to test the quality of some of her cocaine.

The woman, who has not been named, is understood to have deliberately entered the police station with the drugs to check whether the Class A drug was pure.

She placed three whole bags of cocaine on the counter and asked the astonished officers to take a look.

The baffling decision led the surprised woman to be taken into custody on the spot.

The incident took place in the southwestern city of Toulouse and the 45-year-old woman is believed to be a known to police as a past drug user.

A police source said the woman went to the main police station and placed the bags – two containing cocaine powder and one crack cocaine – on the counter.

Asked why she did so, the woman replied: ‘so that officers at reception could test it’.

She said ‘she wanted to know if it was good quality as she didn’t want people to die of an overdose.’

The woman was taken into custody and a court ordered her to attend a hearing in January.

Drug use is prohibited in France and punishable by up to one year imprisonment and a fine of almost £3000 pounds (€3,750).

The penalty for selling or buying drugs can be up to five years in prison as well as a hefty €75,000 fine. The prison sentence may be substantially raised for anyone who sells or offers drugs to minors.

Courtesy Mail Online


  1. This is one of the wildest stories I have read all day. It almost sounds like this women was crying for help. Nobody in their right mind would go to police authorities to ask about the quality of drugs. Great story this made me laugh. Thanks to whoever published this.

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