Microsoft’s iPhone keyboard makes it easier to text with one hand


Courtesy Mashable

With Windows Phone a failure and Windows 10 Mobile going nowhere fast, Microsoft’s newfound mission to dominate the iPhone with its own apps continues.

Microsoft’s newest app is a keyboard replacement called Word Flow. The free keyboard, currently only available in English in the U.S., is designed to make it easier to text with a single hand.

Word Flow can be used like a traditional QWERTY keyboard. Alternatively, you can text by swiping between letters to string together words and sentences quickly, a feature Swype pioneered.

But the standout feature for the keyboard is its “arc” mode; once activated, the keyboard scrunches up into an arc (for lefties and righties), which makes it easier to type with one hand, especially on larger iPhones.


Like any good phone keyboard, Word Flow comes with a predictive algorithm to anticipate your next word for faster texting. You can also customize the app’s background.

However, the standout feature for the keyboard is its ‘arc’ mode — once activated, the keyboard transforms into an arc (for lefties and righties), making it easier to type with one hand, especially on large iPhones. The arc is adjustable for lefties and righties.

Word Flow comes with a predictive algorithm like most good phone keyboards to anticipate your next word for faster texting. It is Microsoft’s second keyboard release for iPhone.

The lack of distinct outlines for each key is reminiscent of Google’s Keyboard for Android. You’re bound to make mistakes if you’re not accustomed to this style.

microsoft keyboard

Earlier on Wednesday, Microsoft Corp said it would stop production of its popular Xbox 360 video game console, which helped the company gain a firm foothold in the market.

More than 80 million units of the console have been sold since it was launched in 2005. Xbox 360 also introduced Microsoft’s Kinect motion-sensing game device. It was the company’s primary gaming console, until it launched the Xbox One in 2013.


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