Hafiz Saeed marks himself Safe on Facebook in aftermath of NAP


    Our JuD Correspondent


    This is a work of satire.


    Chief of the Jamat-ud-Dawa Hafiz Muhammad Saeed marked himself Safe on Facebook recently, during a lecture of his at the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.

    “I used the safety feature just to let my friends and loved ones know that ‘Hey, guys, I’m okay.’” he said.

    Though the National Action Plan has been started since some time now, Saeed said that the real test of his safety was going to a huge public sector university and addressing a large gathering of students amidst media glare.

    “Thank Allah that he’s okay,” said Hafiz Laeeq Zwahiri, in Egypt. “I was worried sick about him ever since I heard of NAP.

    Saeed is not the only one who has used the feature. Last week, Aurangzeb Farooqi and Ahmed Ludhianvi of the Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat also marked themselves as Safe on the popular social media network.

    Seismologists told Khabaristan Today that though the NAP has struck very close to the surface, its level on the Richter Scale was very low. “Don’t expect many casualties, really.”