PESA supports dismissal of corrupt army officials



The Pakistan Ex-servicemen Association (PESA) on Thursday supported Chief of Army Staff (COAS)’s bold move, which converted his warning of accountability across the board into a reality.

He took an unprecedented action to dismiss a dozen serving Army officers, including one Lt Gen and one Maj Gen, on charges of corruption, it said.

Though full details of the charges are still not known, there is an urgent need to probe into these weaknesses and loopholes in the system that make officers indulge in such criminal acts, the PESA members demanded in a meeting chaired by their President Lt. Gen Ali Kuli Khan (Retd).

Vice Admiral Ahmad Tasnim, Air Marshal Masood Akhtar, Lt Gen Naeem Akbar, Brig Mian Mahmud, Brig Masud ul Hassan and Brig Simon Sharaf were also present.

It was noted that the bold action should also put an end to comments like, ‘Holy Cows’ and demands from certain quarters that the COAS should first of all start from the Army.

The PESA officials said that the ball is now in the prime minister’s court. The PM now should give details on the source and justify legality of the huge wealth possessed by his children.

At the same time, other cases of alleged money laundering and corruption must not be left to fizzle out due to improper investigation.

The army chief’s call for across-the-board accountability comes as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is embroiled in the explosive Panama Papers which counts his family among other global political elite with undeclared offshore assets.

This has also enhanced interest in the promised disclosures by leader of the Chhotoo Gang about his supporters and facilitators.