Need to avoid confrontation


The importance of dialogue


Setting aside rumors about his state of health or period of stay in London, Nawaz Sharif has reached Pakistan. What he told the media before proceeding to Luton airport indicates he is determined to form a commission to probe charges related to Panama leaks. Maintaining that his name did not appear in the Panama papers, Sharif opposed the politics of sit-ins, calling it an infantile move which would hinder economic progress and is therefore against national interests. The Prime Minister is supposed to meet party leaders today to work out details about the proposed commission


The idea of an enquiry commission headed by a retired judge has been turned down by both the PTI and PPP. While the Prime Minister’s name does not appear directly in the Panama Papers, the  question being raised is how Nawaz Sharif’s scions managed to set up the lucrative business and whether the Prime Minister has been directly or indirectly helpful in the promotion of their business. There are however differences between the opposition on how to deal with the issue. The PTI has demanded that Nawaz Sharif resign and a commission headed by the sitting CJ assisted by forensic auditors conduct the probe. The PPP does not support the demand for resignation before the Prime Minister is found guilty through forensic audit by an international firm. What is more the PPP is not willing to join the sit-in proposed by the PTI. The JUI-F, MQM and ANP meanwhile continue to hedge their bets on the issue


There is a need on the part of the Prime Minster to hold talks with the opposition to narrow down the differences before announcing the formation of the commission. The statement by the COAS at this juncture requiring an end to corruption and across the board accountability to ensure national security and stability needs to be taken seriously. Meanwhile Imran Khan needs to take into account the differences in his party over his decision to go for a sit-in.



  1. The Editorial is biased. The issue is not of confrontation but accountability. You better know what the CAOS means by suggesting accountabiltiy across the board. British PM's name also did not appear 'directly' in the Panama Papers but he is facing the music and thousands of people are on the streets. The Crowd of London is not Pakistanis. Past history is evident that reports of JIC, commissions and committes were never respected. Can quote a dozen examples of high profile commissions. Let things take their shape and course instead imposing.

  2. As usual business before Journalism. You can’t be his friend and that would be blessing of n disguise. Confrontation is not an option.Nawaz Sharif cannot afford this but out of stubborn nature he is arranging demise of his Party. Just pathetic.

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