Kate Middleton’s Marilyn Monroe moment causes Twitter outrage


Being British Royalty may mean that Prince William and Kate Middleton are forever in the public eye, but that’s no excuse for reporting the couple’s every move and then publishing it in bad taste.

Times of India printed a photo — on front page — of the Duchess of Cambridge at the India Gate where she had gone to mark Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday. The photo published however, was not of her placing a wreath at the tomb of a soldier, but was of a brief moment when… wait for it… a gust of wind happened to blow Kate’s dress a little higher than expected.

Many have taken to Twitter to reprimand Times of India for its poor reporting.

Although Times of India seems to be getting the brunt of it all, other notable publications have also published the story, including Vanity Fairand E! News. 

UK’s Daily Mail takes the cake however, with the headline, “Kate’s Marilyn moment: Duchess struggles to control her £1,700 dress as she and William lay a wreath at Delhi war memorial.”

This was the oh-so-brief moment that has made headlines all over the world: