Supremacy of constitution ultimate destination: NA speaker





National Assembly Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq said that the supremacy of constitution was their ultimate destination which guarantees democracy, fundamental rights and security to each and every citizen of the state.

He said that the sanctity of this sacred document was immense which must be upheld at any cost. He expressed these views on the eve of “Constitution Day” being celebrated on Sunday  across the country.

Sardar Ayaz Sadiq highlighted the day’s historical significance and said, “43 years ago the chosen representatives of the first democratically elected legislature of the country – united by common purpose and an unwavering resolve  – unanimously passed the Constitution of the country as a guiding principle to our journey towards a democratic, peaceful and prosperous country.” He lamented that periodic interventions by undemocratic forces who hold the Constitution in abeyance is a set back from the dream of a strong federation and democratic culture. “Such misadventures proved detrimental to states security, human rights and development of the country,” he added.

Remembering the sacrifices rendered by the political forces of the country to ensure supremacy of the Constitution he paid rich tribute to those unsung heroes who ceased to exist in the history but made every effort to defend the sanctity of the constitution by facing torture, imprisonment and even execution enforced by the autocratic regimes.

Ayaz Sadiq said that by virtue of such struggles, the elected representatives successfully restored the Constitution of 1973 in its true spirit by adopting historic 18th Constitutional Amendment with collective wisdom of all the political forces in the same month after 37 years. He said that it was now upon the current political leadership to ensure the implementation of the Constitution in its essence by guarding the fundamental rights of everyone by delegating the powers to federating units.