PTI faces embarrassment in NA-245


The cost of alienation


The dramatic withdrawal by the PTI’s candidate from NA-245 in favour of his major rival from the MQM is a setback for Imran Khan.  It was claimed that Amjad Ullah Khan had yielded to MQM pressure. With Imran Khan not caring to make even a phone call to his candidate during the campaign as claimed by the latter, any person in his place would have felt abandoned and helpless. This led Amjad Ullah Khan to conclude that the party chief had reconciled to the idea of losing the National Assembly seat and wanted only to put up a symbolic resistance. It has also been claimed that Amjad Ullah Khan had offered another rival to withdraw in his s favour in return for money. That the PTI leadership selected a candidate with weak moral fibre does not reflect favourably on the party leaders’ political judgment.


The several by-election defeats suffered by the PTI in Punjab, KP and Karachi should   make Imran Khan realistic. The PTI chief needs to realize that there is no one-size-fits-all explanation for election losses.  Instead of taking recourse to accusations and frittering away the party’s energies on attacking the windmills, Imran Khan has to concentrate on improving the party’s working. The PTI has weaknesses that it needs to overcome to emerge as a strong parliamentary party capable of winning the elections.  Yet another postponement in intra-party polls indicates that the PTI has yet to evolve inner party democracy. The PTI has yet to set up branches and grass root level units in rural Punjab. The party has to work hard to establish itself in interior Sindh. In Balochistan it is relying on tribal chieftains with primitive mindset and seedy reputation. Most of all the party has to learn to make alliances and have good working relations with other parties in the opposition instead of alienating them. What is more it should work with other parliamentary parties to remove the flaws in the electoral system



  1. This article is an embarrassment for any free country with self respect. It is articles like these that make a coward villain a hero. Amjad is a sneaky coward who had a bad childhood and he showed it here.End of story.

  2. Nothing to fear or get concerned. PTI is a new entrant in Karachi politics yet getting hold. The most important factor of PTI entry in Karachi is. it has reduced the 'fear' factor and has helped the Operations in reducing the 'MQM gundagardi' in the hostage city. With the MK party gaining strength, PTI's roll will also be very important and hopefully by the next General election, the atmosphere will change quite.

  3. PTI is its own worst enemy. Left alone and in the dark they will be forgotten as a bunch of clowns who fool the masses and can’t deliver anything even where they held majority.

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