Parking Mafia


Parking cars by the roadside is becoming difficult day by day, as individuals who claim to be running the ‘chowkidari nizam’ have spread to various areas in Karachi. Sometimes they also claim to have been appointed by the city government, but in fact they are members of the local mafia, who collect money from motorists illegally. Their network has grown over time and now it has even reached some streets and minor roads.


Moreover, these people try to harass and intimidate motorists if they do not pay them the money they ask for. The amount which they demand as “parking fee” also keeps changing. Earlier it was Rs 20/- for cars, but recently on a Sunday, I encountered one such person from this mafia who demanded Rs 50/- saying that the charges for Monday to Saturday are Rs 30/- while those of Sunday are Rs 50/-. When I refused to pay and drove away, he even muttered a curse at me.


This is totally unacceptable behaviour and nobody has the right to terrorize people. I request the concerned authorities to take action against these unauthorized persons so that people can park their cars without being threatened by anyone.