IG FC says no indigenous armed movement in Balochistan


Inspector General Frontier Corps (FC) Major General Sher Afgan said Saturday that there is no indigenous armed movement in Balochistan.

“The arrest of the Indian spy has proven Indian state sponsored terrorism in Pakistan,” said Afgan while briefing reporters regarding Indian and Afghan intelligence’s involvement in acts of terrorism in Balochistan.

The inspector general also claimed that facilitators and other agents linked with Kulbushan Jadhav, the RAW agent arrested from Balochistan, have been arrested by security forces in the aftermath of Jhadav’s arrest.

Afgan did not give further details about the arrests made.

“The Indian agent entered Pakistan from Sarawan,” said the IG.

The FC chief elaborated that India was actively involved in terror and subversive activities in Balochistan, and was hatching conspiracies to derail the multi-billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Referring to the presence of the militant Islamic State’s (IS) Khorasan chapter across the border in Afghanistan, the inspector general stated, “There is no IS in Balochistan.”

Afgan added that IS will however have an impact in Pakistan, but has yet failed to establish a foothold in the province as the culture and traditions of the province have so far rejected the militant group’s ideology.

The IG FC also said security forces have conducted successful intelligence based operations and have been successful in eliminating all ‘no-go areas’.

“Currently there are no no-go area in Balochistan.”