Saudi Arabia, US impose sanction targeting alleged Lashkar-e-Taiba supporters


Saudi Arabia and the United States imposed joint sanctions targeting the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, the two countries announced on Thursday.

The sanctions targeted four individuals and two affiliated organisations, including James Alexander McLintock and the Pakistan-based Al-Rahmah Welfare Organisation, which the US Treasury Department said was a front for al Qaeda.

Also listed were Abdul Aziz Nuristani, the Jamia Asariya Madrassa, Naveed Qamar and Saudi Arabia-based Muhammad Ijaz Safarash, who was accused of arranging travel documents and financial transfers for Lashkar-e-Taiba from the kingdom.

The announcement marks the second time that the United States and Saudi officials have coordinated their actions to disrupt the finances of militant groups in Southeast Asia.

Last April, they levied joint sanctions against Al-Furqan Foundation Welfare Trust, also based in Pakistan and Afghanistan.