Pakistan Today

Freed-bonded labour families celebrate Holi

A large number of peasant women, men and youth belonging to freed-bonded labour families on Thursday celebrated colourful holi enthusiastically at Azad Nagar, located on the outskirts of Hyderabad city.

The women, carrying different colours, received Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum PFF) Chairperson Muhammad Ali Shah and others as they arrived in the locality to express solidarity with these freed families. The women sprayed colours on guests and shared greetings to mark the day and prayed for prosperity of marginalised families and strengthening unity within all people.

The locality comprising more than 150 families, who were freed from bonded labour camps, is facing water shortage and other basic facilities despite tall claims by the government to take care of citizens equally. Azad Nagar was set up for freed-bonded families in 2004 who are deprived of basic facilities for years.

The PFF chairperson appreciated the peasant families over their spirit and love with colourful events, like Holi, which attracted a large number of Muslims and other people, who participated in the simple but beautiful function. He said this event organised by such oppressed families was inspiring for those who dared to adapt passion and live with unity, despite facing the brutality and unkindness.

Shah said: “The PFF believes in religious harmony and peace within communities who have been living jointly with each other for generations. These days bring message for peace and brotherhood for all the people belonging to different religions.”

He assured the families to strengthen relations and help them at every level from fighting for protecting their rights and ending exploitations at the hands of landlords and brick kiln owners.

Hari leader Punhal Sario said: “We have come to enjoy the colours of Holi. This is a day of praying together for strengthening unity which is a must to avoid cruelty and exploitation at the hands of landlords.”

Punhal shared happy moments while standing with these people who are struggling against exploitation. He said hundreds of families had still been working as modern slave with certain landlords despite the fact the legislation guaranteed their rights.

Earlier, brave peasant women leader, Lali Kolhi, greeted the guests with PFF chairperson and said these people needed support of all to ensure eligible rights. Senior journalist Ishaq Mangrio, comrade Ghulam Hussain Malokani, Majeed Thahim, Azad Mirwahi and others also spoke on the occasion.

Local singers performed Bhajans and songs, while young boys and girls of community danced to celebrate the colourful Holi. At the end, they distributed sweets to strengthen unity within people of all religions and faiths. They said this message was a must to get a rid of extremism and hatred.

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