Drug abuse among youth


I would like to draw the attention of the authorities concerned towards the problem of drug abuse among youth in Pakistan.

It is a bitter fact that a huge number of our young generation use narcotics. We can see a large amount of heroin-addicts in bazars, graveyards and public parks. The painful thing is that it is in the knowledge of government machinery. But the mafia is so strong that no one can stop the sale and purchase of such a deadly drug.

There are numerous reasons for widespread social evil. The most horrible is unemployment. Lack of employment throws the young generation into void. A young mind is too tender to bear any act of injustice. They get frustrated by seeing the open violation justice.

This type of disappointment is very dangerous. Most of the time it forces the young men to commit suicide. Disillusion people can do anything. Some of them turns towards unlawful activities and becomes dacoits or terrorists, but most of them become drug addicts.

The dealer of drug works with a proper planning. They have their agents even in the education departments. They induce the youngster to use narcotics.

To check this evil, the government should plan things sincerely. The network of dealers should be broken. Death sentence should be given to them. Some strict measures should be taken in the country because it is a matter of utmost seriousness and deserve urgent attention.




  1. Good article and thanks for sharing. I don't think many people in positions in power realize how fragile and important it is to work with and encourage the youth in their culture. These are in-fact the people who will be in power when the present leaders are in retirement homes or living with their sons and daughters.

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