The Musharraf storm


Pressure on PML-N



Gen Musharraf seems to be recovering quickly in Dubai; smoking his cigars, holding meetings and discussing politics. Back home, meanwhile, the N-league continues to struggle with damage control. Ch Nisar was fine with the whole issue – if only so he could continue disagreeing with some of his more vocal colleagues – but Musharraf’s sudden departure has definitely widened cleavages within the ruling party. Ahsan Iqbal employed the usual spin for face saving, but word is that almost all senior leaders – except Ch Nisar, of course – have made their unhappiness known to the prime minister. They talked big not long ago, and now the government has left them looking silly.

Moving forward, press reports of a deal between the general and the government will only make it difficult for these ministers to defend the government’s course, especially since they were so vehemently opposed to it. It has also strengthened the perception that the Sharifs do not take too many senior leaders on board for important decisions. And it’s not just PML-N leaders that are cross with the PM. PPP is outraged. Bilawal is unhappy because Musharraf was “nominated in the murder case of my mother Benazir Bhutto”, while Farhatullah Babar has called for Nawaz’s resignation. It is also true though that PPP did not do what was expected of it, at least, regarding the BB case during its five years in power.

Whether or not Musharraf returns is anybody’s guess, despite his assurances. Going by early signals, he seems in no mood to look beyond politics just yet. PML-N should use this time to reflect on how it pursued the treason trial against the former dictator, and why it has been controversial from the beginning. The decision to prosecute for Nov3 instead of Oct12, for example, and why it suddenly took its foot off the gas once it needed the military’s help during the dharna days, have still not been properly explained. And why did the government hide its decision behind the Supreme Court order when it was clearly its call? One way or the other, Musharraf continues to haunt the ruling party.


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