Conspiring against state


This unfortunate country had to wait for a patriot like Gen Raheel to be at helm to take vital steps for state security and safety of citizens. There can be no bigger crime than conspiring with declared external enemy who by its actions and policies in former East Pakistan, fomenting insurgencies in Balochistan and involved in aiding, abetting, training of terrorists involved in killing thousands of Pakistanis and destroying our infrastructure including attacks on sensitive military assets. Such charges or allegations against individuals such as AH, who has pledged an oath of allegiance UK, thereby renouncing any loyalties he may have held for his former country of residence, whose passport he held is digestible yet regrettable.

However, what is astounding, shocking and unacceptable is bitter fact that the man who held this constitutional post as head of our security establishment from 2000 onwards was aware of this individual’s links with RAW, knew that their activists were trained and funded by foreign enemy state, and yet in violation of oath of office he held, found it feasible for sake of short term political benefits to be partners with this alleged enemy agent?

It is time every institution of Pakistan, its paid and elected public office holders must understand that they are there to serve this country and under no circumstances can they compromise national security interests for petty power politics and vested self-interest. No sovereign country would allow such individuals or groups to get away with such heinous crimes and no institutional ego or misplaced concept should justify ignoring such crimes by men who are paid to protect country against foreign covert and overt operations that would lead to compromising state sovereignty. We must also understand that getting political mandate to hold elected public office does not give powers to any individual or party to treat this country as their fiefdom, make appointments in violation of merit and nominate individuals who have already taken an oath of citizenship of another, revoking all previous loyalties they may have held in past.

Security, sovereignty and supremacy of Constitution of Pakistan, is far more important and sacrosanct than personal misplaced egos of individuals or groups who consider themselves more important that State.




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