INTERVIEW: ‘We are overwhelmed by the response’ –Mustafa Kamal


    The party is not accepting any funds yet

    Strangely, while Mustafa Kamal is all the rage on TV media, it’s turning out to be quite a feat for the print guys to get a hold of him. There’s always a thousand people around him, so it’s always difficult to talk. Or, of course, he’s on TV and there is, quite understandably, a number of print journos already in line.

    But that’s not all. It turns out that repetition is also a big problem. When the Mustafa Kamals of the world throw a grenade in the works, the electronic media has already milked them of news value – first by relaying their volcanic press conferences in real time, then by rehashing the surprise on talk show after talk show – by the time the morning paper brings another repeat job to the doorstep.

    He does, of course, give time eventually. There is a clear sense that he is trying to lay the foundations of something he believes will be very strong. And he minces no words about it. Right now it’s the basic issues of putting together a political party that occupy his mind, and his small team’s. They are encouraged by the response, but it will not make them take their eye off the ball, he said during an exclusive interview with DNA.

    Question: There are rumours that Governor Sindh Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan is masterminding your party’s campaign silently by using his influence among the MQM cadres and would soon join you once the party picks momentum? Is there any truth to these claims?

    Mustafa Kamal: There is no contact between us and Governor Ibad Sindh whatsoever. I have not been in touch with him since I left for Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

    This is typical rumour mongering. It is the work of people with nothing better than hiding behind lame excuses and accusations. But they are badly mistaken this time around. They can no more fool the people at large as this nation is not only smart, it has seen their true faces now.

    Q: Did you ever expect the overwhelming response you and your colleagues are getting from the people of Karachi and other urban areas of Sindh?

    MK: Frankly speaking, neither I nor Anees Bhai were expecting such an overwhelming response. When we planned to return, we had decided to come back and tell the truth about the MQM chief and the party. We never thought of the magnitude and manner of the support we are getting from all segments of society here.

    This is the eighth day since we arrived here and thousands of workers have already joined us. That in itself should tell you something.

    Q: Fully knowing the politics of the land, I understand that teamwork and massive funds are required to deal with the party’s organisation and workers’ registration. Since you had returned alone and without proper preparation, how are you managing things? Who is registering the workers and who is providing funds?

    MK: I fully agree with your observation. Yes, we came here empty handed and with no proper homework. But we were taken aback by the overwhelming response of the people. We understood that a lot of people would have trouble coming forward but a lot many would also. But the sheer number has surprised us. We had never thought of it this way.

    The only thing I and Anees Qaimkhani had done was that we bought two mobile phone SIM cards and started calling media outlets. Since then, we are only talking to the media. Once this media hype dies down, we will also join the ranks of the party’s founding workers.

    Let me tell you frankly that there was no infrastructure, not even proper furniture. But the youth have joined in on voluntary basis. They have taken over and are sharing our burden. Out of those who have joined us so far, 90 per cent people have taken up responsibilities and started working.

    They are preparing area-wise registration lists of the party workers. Since thousands of people are coming to join us, the volunteers are sorting the people keeping in view zones and towns. It’s a tedious task, but it is necessary. And, once again, we are very fortunate that the response has been so strong and a committed lot of volunteer workers is helping us. We are really overwhelmed by the response so far. And, of course, we expect this trend to continue. As if have already said, failure is not an option for us.

    Q: How many more wickets are set to fall? Are you planning for big shots or are workers your priority?

    MK: Once again, please let me be very frank. We were only two when we decided to launch the party. Then Dr Saghir bhai joined in. He was followed by Waseem (Aftab) bhai and Iftikhar Alam bhai. Now we are five.

    There is a long list of those who are waiting in the wings to follow suit. But things would move fast now.

    We have taken up responsibilities among us and departments have been established. We have established media and organisation wings. For the time being, everyone is meeting their own expenses. People are also offering funds for the party but we have refused to accept such offerings.

    We will accept funding once we establish financial wing of the party to ensure a transparent system. We will open the party’s bank account to ensure financial transparency. We would also install an audit system to make sure no financial irregularity is committed in the party. But for the time being, all our focus is on the party’s organisational structure, which is dear and near to my heart.

    Right now, therefore, our focus in on formulating the party’s core strategy, which will be announced on March 23. Things will start falling in place quickly once these essential steps have been taken. The people are energised and there is no fear among our party members. The coming days and weeks will be telling.

    Karachi would soon shine again as was the case when I was serving as Mayor of Karachi.

    Q: When will you begin turning your thoughts towards the election process?

    MK: As I have already said, right now the team’s complete focus is on building and strengthening the party. Currently entering electoral politics is not a priority. Erecting the correct structure, laying the right foundations, etc, are more pressing matters for us at this point. There is no sense in hastening into the electoral process without building capacity first. We will take it step by step. Right now, our attention is required elsewhere.


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