Mazari slams British foreign secy as ‘foolish’ for remark on India-Pak talks


Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Central Information Secretary Shireen Mazari on Wednesday lashed out at British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, calling him “a foolish man” for saying the issue of Jammu and Kashmir should not be a pre-condition for resumption of India-Pakistan dialogue.

“We really don’t need the British foreign secretary telling us how to conduct our relations with India. He should focus on his EU problem instead.”

Hammond, who arrived on a two-day official visit to Islamabad on Tuesday, addressed a joint news conference with Aziz after his arrival.

Stressing that Kashmir should not be linked to talks with India, Hammond said an India-Pakistan dialogue is essential for long-term economic development, peace and security in the region.

“I must appreciate the beginning of investigation by Pakistan into the Pathankot attack,” Hammond remarked.

In an outburst on Twitter, Mazari snubbed Hammond and said he should first ‘understand the history of Pakistan and India.’

The PTI chief whip in the National Assembly went on to say that Kashmir ‘defines the parameters of Indo-Pak relations.’

“Movement ‘forward’ stops when something happens in IOK [Indian occupied Kashmir]”


  1. Oh the British Mi6, total joke they just destroy independent countries. Please Mr Hammond concentrate on the NHS and EU/ Turkey issue (Isis =CIA)

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