The U-turn?


PPP leader’s contradicting statements


The views ascribed to PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari regarding Gen Raheel Sharif’s retirement on schedule surprised many for these signified a U-turn on the part of the PPP. Zardari was reported to have said that the COAS’ decision to retire on time was ‘despairing’ for people and can affect the country’s war on terror and that it comes at a time when ‘internal and external elements are hatching conspiracies against the motherland’. There being no crucial change in the situation on ground since Zaradri’s earlier statement welcoming ISPR’s announcement on January 25, the shift in instance led some to discover motives behind it.

Every PPP leader who chose to speak on the subject of army chief’s extension when the issue was still undecided had invariably opposed the idea. In October last, Khursheed Shah expressed hope that the COAS would not be given extension. In January this year, Sen Aitzaz Ahsan told the media that while the nation lauded the achievements of the COAS in Operation Zarb-e-Azb, the PPP was not in favour of any extension in his tenure. The underlying theme of the various statements issued by the PPP leaders was that state institutions rather than individuals need to be strengthened. Even PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari had earlier welcomed the ISPR statement regarding Gen Sharif not taking extension.

What was surprising is that for a whole day there was no official denial of the statement by the PPP chief or by any major leaders of the party including those appearing in TV shows like party’s Central Information Secretary Qamaruz Zaman Kaira. It was only in a late night tweet to an anchorperson that the Co-chairman expressed ignorance about the statement saying “me or my party never issued any statement”. Interestingly, a resolution was moved on Wednesday in the Punjab Assembly by the PPP calling for granting an extension to the COAS for his outstanding services. Unless the PPP leadership comes out with a clear cut official explanation of its stand, the confusion would remain worst confounded.


  1. There is a rural saying "Jab Gidar (jackal) ki maut aati hai to gaon ki taraf bhagta hai". The Wadera is in 'self-exile' for many months (like his self-slain wife) and now enjoying the life of "Abdullah the Great" in 7 star Hotels of the US with his family. Who issues statements on behalf of the Wadera or his Wali-Ahad, only the left over garbage of the PPP knows. One day statement comes – the other day it is denied. AAZ is in US and it is NO coincidence that there is a conspiracy being hatched against Pakistan. Opposition for supplying F-16s to Pakistan is one. His partner in crime, that Haqqani who wrote the 'memo' to Admiral Mullen to tame the CAOS – not to topple PPP government – is also very active alongwith the Indian Lobby. The Wadera even does not know that more than 250 children have died in Thar due to starvation. And he believes his son or daughter will be PM of Paksitan soon. May God forbid.

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