Pakistan Today

People are feeling alienated after Nakyal, says AJK PM

Says there is little difference between Modi and the Nawaz governments

AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majid has said that feelings of alienation have started taking roots among the people after the Nakyal incident; he has sent a letter to army chief apprising him of the federal government’s attitude and the injustices being meted out to Kashmiris.

In an interview, he said that he has apprised Gen Raheel Sharif that Kashmiris and the AJK government should not be pushed against the wall, which may have far-reaching consequence for the unity of the federation. He said that federal ministers were interfering in the internal matters of the AJK government led by the PPP. He warned them against doing politics while shedding the blood of innocent people.

“The nation does not want to see Kashmir secede like the East Pakistan,” he said.

He underlined that the Indian government provides Rs 6 trillion to occupied Kashmir while the Pakistani government has allocated a little over Rs 12 billion in the annual budget for AJK. He said that even this amount was not being released on time.

“No water royalty is given to AJK for supplying water to Mangla dam,” he said.

He alleged that the PML-N government was planning to achieve results of its choice in the upcoming AJK polls. Preparations are afoot to send Gullu Butts to the AJK, he added.

“There is minimal difference between the Modi’s government and the Nawaz’s government,” he said and added, “We have conveyed our concerns to the federal government saying that AJK should not be treated like Bangladesh and our just demands should be met.”

Responding to a question, he said that “the federation is not giving us our rights. We give electricity to the federation but our homes are not lit”.

Answering a question, he said that in the upcoming AJK elections, the PPP could forge alliance with other parties including the PTI.

He claimed that the PPP would win the next election in AJK and the PML-N would only be able to get four to five seats in the legislative assembly.

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