Pakistan Today

Drip irrigation

Harvard University has used historical economic data to find out the reasons for poverty. They have found that poverty is directly linked to food production of a region. With less food production there is high poverty and with high food production there is low poverty. This is because when the farmer has high production from his crops, than he has money to hire workers, creating jobs. While his children will have time to get educated or pursue arts or business. While on the other hand if the farmer has low production from the farm, than he will have less money to hire workers and will need the help of his family on the farm, depriving them of opportunity for education, business or cultural activities, rendering the region in poverty.

Considering this fact, when we look at the production of farms in Pakistan, we soon realize that Pakistani farms are poorly producing 3 times less compared to developed country farms. The main reason for this poor production is because farmers in Pakistan are not using new agriculture technologies or seeds to improve their farm yield.

Therefore if the PTI want to end poverty in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, than they should invest in new agriculture technologies for local farmers, to help them improve their farm yields and reduce poverty in the region. One easy way the PTI government can help in doubling the farm yields in KP would be by installing “Drip Irrigation Systems” on local farms. This system provides small but regular supply of water to the plant root via pipes and helps double farm yield and reduces water use for farm.

Drip irrigation systems have a high initial cost, but if the Government of KP partner with the right Chinese partner and financial bank, they can help local farmers get high quality drip irrigation systems at low rates, through bank finance. Since the product will increase farm yield and farmer income, the drip irrigation system can also be installed with International grants. Within two years of installing drip irrigation systems across KP province, we will witness increased food production, increased economic activities and reduction in poverty.



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