Mother of all water crises


Addressing a high-level working group the Punjab irrigation secretary asked water experts to submit their recommendations for the Punjab growth strategy.

The participants presented their individual views for the improvement of the irrigation sector. Among other things they focused on the construction of mega reservoirs on main rivers. They did not mention Kalabagh dam by name but it must have been in their mind.

We have to catch the bull by the horns; the three assemblies which have passed resolutions against Kalabagh dam. First of all find out what their objections are and then try and counter them with facts and figures.

For example, the main objection of Sindh is likely to be that dams have depleted the Indus river and dried up the Indus delta, allowing for sea incursion, although the record in the Sindh irrigation department will show that the two dams actually increased supply to Sindh, why water is still not reaching the delta is because the withdrawal in the14 canals of Sindh has increased to meet the increased demand of a population, which has increased from eight to 19 crore since Tarbela dam was commissioned 40 years ago.

The main objection of KP will be that the intensity of floods in Nowshera will increase if Kalabagh dam is built. The fact is that the KBD reservoir will be drawn down to a very low level to receive the flood waters and will not aggravate the flood at Nowshera.

There is not enough space here to go into details, but this is generally the approach that I am advocating. It is only when the political leadership of PPP and KP is brought on board that there can be any hope for Kalabagh dam, without which we are headed for the mother of all water crisis as surely as I write this

