The prime minister’s concerns


Cornering himself


The PML-N continues to run the government in a highly personalised way, bypassing the Parliament and ignoring opposition. When it lands itself in a cul-de-sac, it wrings its hands in helplessness and seeks the opposition’s support. Once out of the crisis, its hubris ridden ministers denigrate the opposition which had bailed out the government and the prime minister looks the other way. Soon the government again finds itself isolated and insecure.

What Nawaz Sharif told party workers from Bahawalpur on Tuesday reflected unease. He complained of not having the powers that he enjoyed in the ‘90s. While Sharif had kept mum when government servants in Sindh were harassed or arrested, ignoring protests from Sindh CM, he now complains that NAB is persecuting innocent government officers which he considers intolerable. He has warned the Bureau not to intimidate anyone without solid proof. A similarly apprehensive Punjab government insists that the Rangers are not needed in the province to take action against terrorists or go after the corrupt.

Keeping in view the peculiar history of the civilian-military relations in this country, elected governments will remain vulnerable as long as they indulge in misrule and fail to deliver. The PML-N government was last saved by the Parliament. Any government that ignores the National Assembly and Senate, as the PML-N has consistently done, will have none to stand by it at the hour of need. The government has also failed to take the opposition on board while taking policy decisions and has preferred to act arbitrarily. The opposition still complains that the government is acting without transparency in the implementation of CPEC and that a similar policy characterises the government’s joining the Saudi-led military alliance. It is time the PM and his cabinet members regularly attend the supreme legislative forum and take the opposition into confidence on all important national issues. Unless the government does so, it might find itself being increasingly pressurised and cornered in days to come from both above and below.


  1. That is not going to support or serve democracy. Let the black-sheep be segragated from the flock. And dont' tell me there are none in his party. If he becomes defensive, that will strenthen the belief that he is trying to protect the corrupts.

  2. like Dr.Asim,….Mia Mansha should be handed over to NAP or Rangers under PPO for 90 days… parrot he will reveal the people involved in corruption and money laundering

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