China reiterates CPEC faces Pakistan as a whole


A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan has said that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the framework and platform for comprehensive and substantive cooperation between China and Pakistan.

“It is China’s consistent position that the CPEC is facing Pakistan as a whole and will bring benefits to Pakistani people,” the spokesperson said in a statement released on Friday.

China and Pakistan agreed to construct the CPEC projects with scientific planning in a step-by-step way, he said, adding the two sides also agreed that the roads covering western Pakistan were parts of the CPEC. “The two sides reached consensus on the principle of one corridor with multiple passages for CPEC transport planning, aiming at directly benefiting the socio-economic development of Pakistan, especially the western and north-western regions,” concluded the spokesperson.


  1. How does it bring prosperity in KP and Baluchistan when the roads go through Punjab and Sind.All socalled developement of Industrial EZ shall take place along the "Roda Route"Moreover without Electricity and Water how can Industry be set up at all??Questions over Questions and no explanations!!!!!

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