Siraj welcomes partial resumption of PIA flights


Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq has welcomed partial resumption of Pakistan International Airline (PIA) flights and said the protesting employees had shown large heartedness, thus defeating the ego and intransigence of the rulers.

Talking to various delegations at Mansoora on Sunday, Haq said that the PIA employees had proved that they could make every sacrifice for the cause of the country and the nation. He said the PIA flights had been suspended for about two weeks causing huge financial loss to the airline and the nation but the stiff necked rulers remained unmoved. He said, had the employees also stuck to their stance, the country would have become a laughing stock all over the world.

The JI chief said the rulers had shown little interest in the rehabilitation of the national airlines and were going to sell the PIA, Pakistan Steel Mills and other major national institutions under the IMF pressure to obtain more loans. He said there was no bravery in using the state power against the workers. In fact, he said the country was facing the worst form of dictatorship under the guise of democracy.

He said the rulers were planning to sell the family silver before their tenure expired. However, he said that the nation would not allow the rulers to go ahead with their plan. He said that the government could not blame the workers for incompetence and would have to account for the destruction of the national institutions.

Haq said that the tall claims of rulers about good governance had proved hollow and the government had no plan to overcome poverty, hunger or illiteracy. He said that a few ceremonial projects could not help feed the hungry. He said if the rulers only brought back their heaps of wealth lying in foreign countries, the country’s dependence of IMF and World Bank could end. Besides, he said, that by abolishing the protocol of the VIPs and the unnecessary non development expenditure, the government could create jobs for thousands of the youth.

The JI chief deplored that death was cheap in our country while education was expensive due to which there was lawlessness, frustration and crimes. He said the drive against corruption was only a farce as only the small guys were being caught while the big fish was being protected.