PM advised not to “repeat ’90s” by leader who learnt his ABC during ’90s


    Karachi – Our Baby Bhutto Correspondent: Speaking to reporters in Karachi in the aftermath of the public spat between the interior minister and the leader of the opposition, Chairman Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that the prime minister should not repeat the politics of the ’90s.

    “There is much maturity that the country’s political class should have by now,” said Bilawal, who was born in 1988.

    Speaking to the prime minister, who was elected prime minister when Bhutto was two-years-old, he said: “The time has come to grow up and learn from our mistakes. I know we have. Can we say the same about you?”

    Political analysts lauded the speech and said that Bilawal’s own excellent learning curve during the tumultuous decade in question gave him the right to be able to question others on theirs. “Who can forget his mastery, first of ABC, both small and big, which was then to be followed by joining hand-writing,” said Dr Hassan Askari Rizvi. “And that is not talking about his 123.”

    Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who was elected chief minister of the Punjab three years before the PPP chairman was born, replied, through a spokesperson, that Bilawal could rest assured that they were both on the same level of maturity.


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