Life with commodities


The essence of life


What is a commodity? Karl Marx defines commodity as “an external object that satisfies a human need either directly or indirectly.” Literally this definition of commodity is quite comprehensive. However, whenever I read it or think of it, I feel an implicit element of formidability in it. It is comprehensive in the sense that it reflects the true nature of commodity i.e., to satisfy a human need and mostly the needs have their connection with the outer world, the world of material and flesh. The hidden element of formidability is that the commodities have little concern with the values of life. The connection between commodity and material comforts is so intense and powerful that it can shake a sensitive soul. But remember, the condition here is to have a ‘sensitive’ bearing in both mind and heart which, unfortunately, is sinking down and down with every upcoming day. The world, especially during the last two centuries, has gradually moved from sensitivity to coldness and now it has reached a state that has nothing but only callousness and seems to have reached a state where, apparently, there seems no point of return. The delicacy and softness of both feelings and expressions have stopped functioning and have been replaced with callousness and utilitarian approach of personal benefits. This tendency which moves towards the desire for more and more has made both ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ the slaves. The ‘have-nots’ are the slaves of ‘haves’ and the ‘haves’ are the slaves of their unending desires and pursuits. This is the gift of capitalism.

During the whole of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, there have been many small and large scale movements to save human beings from the capitalistic bent of mind. However, the present era has been so powerfully hit by the capitalistic approach that its resonance has created deafness and blindness all around. Now we are deaf and blind to such an extent as we don’t have even a slightest tinge of saving ourselves from its heinous clutches. And even if someone realises it and tries to keep oneself away from it, one cannot as it is the order of the day and one is bound to be a part of it. Even if we try to stand against it, we cannot sustain ourselves against this flood and somehow our whole course of life is destined to flow with its current. The whole scenario seems very much identical to what was said by W B Yeats years ago.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Today its bulge is so strong that it has even blinded a layman and this is the worst outcome of it. A part or a section of human society, in all ages, has always been the follower of this materialistic bent, but the last two centuries, especially the last half century, have been so strongly hit by it that now even a common man is completely blinded by its lustre and is bound to be a part of this blind marathon. The most unfortunate and miserable phenomenon is that if anyone tries not to be a part of this race, he gets crushed under the treads of other runners and no one cares to stop even for a single moment to lend a helping hand to the fallen one.

The present world, up to a huge extent, has made man devoid of feelings and the delicacies of life. Even if someone claims to have some feelings and delicacies, it seems as if he himself is fool or making others fool. Nowadays, we are so much under the influence of commodities that it has completely changed our way of thinking, our means of attaining happiness and consolation. Now we feel happier with things, spend more time with them and man to man interaction has eclipsed. We crave for material things. Our concept of happiness is linked with concrete and fleshy material. We have lost the concept of fluidity of life. How unfortunate the modern man is that he has been very silently and swiftly made deprived of the thought that the reality of life lies in its fluid nature.

Unfortunately, the modern man is bound to think of and act for only concrete things. He wants to make himself more secure and thinks that safety and security exist in concreteness. He has put this reality aside that concrete is meant to be perished and fluid remains; rather it is the fluid that created life and it has also got the power to destroy the concrete. The movement of fluid soul out of the fleshy body causes its death. The fluid waves within the core of the earth demolish the huge concrete structures grown on the surface of earth. When the fluid water gets uncontrollable, it cannot be stopped by concrete blockings. Similarly, the fluid air contains the power to take all concrete in its lap and throw it away.

When all this is true and this is the only ultimate reality, then why do we wish and act to fill our lives with concrete? Why do we want to be safe and secure? Why can’t we control our desires for more material pursuits? Why don’t we think that concrete is never safe and secure? Why don’t we learn a lesson from history that security and safety rests in fluidity? Why don’t we understand that being fluid, getting adaptable and molding ourselves in accordance with the circumstances are the best strategies for achieving success and leading a peaceful life?

The hardest reality of the present era is that even if we know that fluidity is eternal and the essence of life exists in mortality, variability, mutability and uncertainty, we cannot go away from it because we are the fleshy beings living in the present world where we are not so much under our own control as we are under the control of commodities. This phenomenon is so hard and harsh that it has even reduced the importance and status of man and has made him a commodity. The present world is a world of commodity and we need these commodities for our satisfaction, safety and security. We desire for commodities, we work for commodities, we live for commodities, we love for commodities and even we pray for commodities. When we are so much under the influence of commodities, then how can we think of going away from a life of commodities?