Petition to PTI Election Tribunal


It seems the membership drive is progressing well. We appreciate that PTI Election Commission (PTI EC) is very proactive and posted guidance on the party’s website to help in terms of dealing with delays and formatting of SMS message to become members. We hope PTI EC will soon share information about the people that have access to the database. It is a critical piece of information.

Since we are in the election process I appreciate all those who shared my emails with media. This is another tradition we have to create in Pakistan that elections inside a party are national and public events. Look at the way candidates from Republican Party are competing against each other and same is the case of Democratic Party. We need to introduce similar culture in Pakistan. Our next intra-party election (IPE) is an ideological contest between PTI-Q and PTI. PTI-Q has controlled central decision making of the party in the last three years and engaged in gross violation of party constitution, merit and ideology. PTI-Q shares the blame for the loss of most by-elections and local government elections because voters rejected them. Voters even preferred independents over PTI-Q candidates in Punjab, Sindh and KP. So if we want to win 2018 general elections, the PTI has to win IPE against PTI-Q. It is a critical moment in the evolution of our party.

Following is the petition I sent to PTI ET for the formation of provincial election tribunals:

Salam Honorable Justice Wajihuddin and Mr Yousuf Malik Gabol

The intra-party election process has started and it should be noted that since the creation of PTI EC we have held the position that a free and fair election cannot be held until all three organs PTI ET, EC and SCAD work in close collaboration.

Through this petition we would request PTI ET to create provincial election tribunals so that party members can approach them about issues related to IPE. We are submitting this petition based on following:

  1. PTI ET is still in existence although in a state of suspended animation.
  2. We submitted a petition in September 2015, immediately after election rules were published, to the PTI EC in which we took a position that election tribunals should be autonomous and independent. That petition was received by PTI EC and they promised to respond to us but that response never arrived. We still maintain that position and will not compromise on it because it will be a compromise on institutionalisation of the party. No one organ should have extensive powers to exercise is an important condition to build an institution. I am attaching the petition sent to them for your consideration and record.
  3. All PTI bodies are dissolved except office of the Chairman. Chairman himself cannot interfere in the election process by appointing election tribunal of his choice. The only entity that should appoint provincial election tribunals is the central election tribunal.

We are afraid that in the absence of provincial election tribunals the exercise will fall into chaos and indiscipline. We request PTI ET to favourably consider this petition and appoint provincial election tribunals at the earliest.

