Pakistan Today

White Lies


How’s this for a stereotype of the Pakistani elite: a function was held recently at the Polo Lounge where the theme was “Harrod’s”.

It was an almost exclusively Chinioti affair.

Now how does one go about having a Harrod’s theme? I mean, after all, it is just a big, expensive store.

Well, those in attendance attempted to respect the theme by showing up in clothes they bought at Harrod’s.

Note to reader: This is not satire. Not a word was made up.


Our jet set prime minister was in Davos when news of the terrible events in Charsadda reached him. As opposed to the KP chief minister, who cut his foreign trip short, the premier decided to issue a statement while staying put in Davos, claiming the summit he was attending was important.

As important as it might have been, those close to him say that the reason he stayed there was probably his love of London. He just has to go to the city on all his international trips, if only to stay a while at his flat and have coffee at Selfridges.

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