Mismanagement at top level


There is no gas for domestic users this winter. Instead Pakistan’s natural resource, Sui gas, is being supplied to industries at subsidised low cost. SNGPL and SSGPL, federal entities, are both facing huge losses, while the trophy LNG deal has been delayed by two years. All these clearly highlight mismanagement at the highest level. And while the people of Pakistan suffer and accumulate debt, the Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources is heading to Russia to discuss a new “pipeline deal”. I think in such conditions the minister should consider resigning and handing over the charge of this ministry to a more competent person. Such an action is important considering the value of the ministry and the high risk to Pakistan’s economy if any mistakes are made. Therefore, the relevant authorities should act fast to implement such change and allow the use of Pakistan’s natural resource, Sui gas, to Pakistanis.

