SC lifts ban on hunting of houbara bustard


The Supreme Court (SC) on Friday lifted the ban on hunting of indigenous game bird houbara bustard which is also known as tiloor.

On August 20 the apex court had banned hunting of the houbara bustard in a decision welcomed by wildlife campaigners and conservationists. The court also ordered the cancellation of all existing permits in this regard.

Houbara bustard is a rare desert bird whose meat is prized among Arab sheikhs as an aphrodisiac.


  1. This even is not an issue that the High Court or Supreme Court of Pakistan be involved. It is more of a PR issue for Government of Pakistan to let the Oil rich Sheikhs hunt the migratory bird as their hobby. Thousands of poor locals benefit from it and the country earns foreign currency too even if immaterial.

  2. Protecting Endanger Species if Birds is not a PR act. If the GOP cannot enforce their laws on Royalty than get out of the government business.

  3. Lifting the ban on hunting is surprising.. I n't it the same apex court that issued the ban on hunting in the first place ? What & who me them change their brilliant and cultured minds. Is n't it compromising Justice if not crucifying it We lament the great loss of wildlife. Money & oi wins & Citizens concerned with endangered species protection losses.

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