Deal with Qatar for import of LNG not finalised yet, NA told



The National Assembly was informed on Wednesday that the ultimate deal had not been finalised with Qatar for import of LNG.

The Lower House of the parliament was also informed that 67 new oil and gas discoveries were made and 46 new leases for exploration had been granted during the tenure of the present government.

Parliamentary Secretary for Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahzadi Umarzadi Tiwana told the House during question hour that 560 mmcfd of gas had been added to the system besides an increase of 27,000 barrels in the country’s oil production during this period.

She said that TAPI gas pipeline, which would be cheaper, is expected to be completed in 2019. She said that work would be expedited on Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project after lifting of sanctions against Tehran. She said that LNG is also being imported from Qatar and its price would be very viable.

Replying to a question, the parliamentary secretary said that re-gasified LNG is being supplied to textile sector in Punjab since the last week of December to help meet shortage of gas.

Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Shaikh Aftab Ahmad told the House that the road section from Chakdara to Mingora-Fatehpur was being rehabilitated through financing of the Saudi Development Fund.


  1. نجدد ترحابنا بكم في العاب بنات التي تعتبر من افضل الالعاب على الاطلاق وعندها جمهور كبير جدا وهي بدورها تتضمن التلبيس والمكياج وكذلك الطبخ وتلعبها البنات بكترة واصبحت مشهورة جدا في السنين الاخيرة مما جعل مواقع الالعاب تصبح كتيرة وهناك كتير منها مشهورة متل فرايف و كيزي ومواقع اخرى كما ان هناك ايضا موقع جميل عربي يقدم تشكيلة من العاب بنات مميزة ومتجددة يوميا هذا النوع بدوره يشمل اصناف كتيرة سنتعرف عليها الان ومن بينها العاب الطبخ الدي يملك معجبين كتر جدا ويعتبر هو الاول تم يليه العاب التلبيس وهذا الآخر ممتع ويحبه الكتير لان التلبيس تعشقه البنات اكتر من الاولاد وهذا امر بديهي ومعروف وبعده بالتتابع يوجد العاب المكياج او الميك اب نوع جميل ومحبوب عند الصغار والكبار ويبقى في الاخير نوع قص الشعر وهو الاقل اهتماما

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