The call of the invisible


There is something behind a man that wants to shake him out of his ignorance. This is something imaginary and invisible but a guide for human beings to be aware of what their longings ask them to do. There is a mote in our minds which has veiled our senses. The restlessness and indifference towards the actuality and exactness of life are lingering only on account of our deafness and blindness towards religious injunction. We are running after the dark shadows which unfold layers of nothingness and hollowness. We have perverted our lives into bodily desires. We are leading our lives as we are not going somewhere else except this world. We have our entrances and exits with the passage of time but where do we exist?

That is to make ourselves aware of this that we have lost ourselves only amidst some colourblind scenery of thus bright world. That’s why we have been estimated as “the lost generation” and know nothing where to go next. We are stuffed men leaning together to make a resort for one another. Ours is a life of absurdity in which our communication and expression remain unconveyed and unattended. Our communicative skill is subjected to the breakdown of language. We have bodies without souls, lives without aim, breaths without warmth and expressions without gestures.

This call of something invisible is a reminder for man to adopt a life of purposefulness, to return to what is real and practical and to follow religious teachings. In fact, religion gives man a roadmap to go further. Religion is a torch-bearer for man to lead his life and get prepared for something unknown and that is an eternal world where our physical existence would fall a prey to decay. There, none of our wishes would be realised. These feelings of helplessness and restlessness will be erased and perishable only when we develop a sense of religious touch in our souls and mould ourselves to the maximum submission to religion, for, in such a foggy situation, man is left with nothing but to staple his hopes and energies with the guidance from religion. After the lapse of this physical world we will desire to re-enter but will be left with one choice and that is to embrace our future and regret the past. Our advancement and better legacy for the coming generation are in fact, backwardness for humanity. After all, we should look back to view what is behind us lest we should cross what is irretrievable.

