Chashma Right Bank canal


Chairman PTI Mr Imran Khan has stated in Urdu press that Chashma Right Bank canal is the answer to KP’s prosperity. In fact land being irrigated by Chashma Right Bank canal is only 366,000 acres whereas the prospected Right Bank gravity canal from KBD would irrigate 8 lac acres of virgin land in D I Khan which is not considered by the wizards of KP. Every now and then PTI Chairman says that other provinces are using the water share of KP. However, that share of 14% of Water Accord of 1991 can only mature if KBD is built and a Right Bank gravity canal is built to irrigate the high lands of KP which at present need lift irrigation from Chashma Right Bank canal at a cost of several thousand rupees per acre which is prohibitive at current rate. Actually PTI’s claim that other people are using their share of water can only be stopped if KBD is built being located at higher land than the lands to be irrigated. Actually, KP stalwarts are following their wrong cause adamantly by opposing KBD on the stale policies of ANP which are self-defeating and it is a surprise that the worldly wise Chairman of PTI cannot understand this simple logic, probably due to infertile policies of his Chief Minister who is holding progress on KBD.

