Na’at recitation in NA


This is in reference to news about MPs pouncing on Achackzai regarding his being unaware about change in rules making Na’at recitation compulsory after recitation of Holy Quran in NA before commencement of every session. Claims of special perks and privileges by elected parliamentarians and public office holders violate all Islamic principles and the constitution, which clearly states all citizens are equal. It would have been far better if all MP started attending NA and take part in its proceeding to justify their daily allowances as per attendance register, because almost every other day there is crisis of lack of quorum.

Recitation of Na’at is good, but instead of mere visual effects, our parliamentarians, ministers and PM should adhere to constitution, whose oath they have pledged to uphold by being seen paying all taxes, raise their voices to highlight abuse of power by paid and elected public office holders, ensure accountability and punishments for all criminals violating rules in existence, and ensure that laws enacted by them are followed and implemented. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) has set very noble examples which were followed by his companions like Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Abu Bakr, which if followed by those at the helm would ensure good governance and rule of laws. Islam stresses upon equality of all before law and not claiming of immunities on lame excuses such as breach of privilege. Can any parliamentarian quote even one example where any of Prophet’s (PBUH) followers who assumed the role of Khalifa led luxurious lifestyles on public expense or claimed immunity from laws, or held assets in foreign countries, where their families lived? Mere recitation of Na’at would not serve any purpose, nor give the parliament an Islamic makeover, unless parliamentarians were to lead by example.




  1. After recitation from Holy Scriptures, if thos elected are not to be punished for perjury, tax evasion and willfull deception, than this is mere exploitation of religion. Have we forgotten Zia ul Haq who recited Qalima and Quran before giving a commitment to hold elections within 120 days, only to deceive people of Pakistan?

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