PTI’s intra-party elections


It is highly unfortunate that illegitimate IPE Committee and their unconstitutional interim organisers at the centre continue exerting pressure on PTI Election Commission (EC). Today again they used the office of the Chairman to visit PTI EC offices and exerted pressure that their demands should be accepted. It is heartening that PTI EC resisted this pressure and refused to concede to their demands. We stand with PTI EC in all their decisions that are within party constitution, their TOR and for the institutionalisation of the party. Once again we would like to remind PTI EC that their decision to delay dissolution of unconstitutional interim will cause a conflict between them and the vested interest inside the party. We also remind PTI EC that they cannot alone achieve institutionalization of the party without collaboration with PTI Election Tribunal (ET) and Standing Committee for Accountability and Discipline (SCAD).

We support PTI EC decision to engage in mobile phone based membership system although they have to improve its performance and reduce the cost involved in registration of potential members.

I would also like to reiterate my request to PTI ET and SCAD to take active part in free and fair holding of intra-party election (IPE). Their inactivity and lack of interest will damage this cause.

In last one week many well-meaning party members, that were part of former central and provincial leadership, have come forward to convince us that we should engage in a dialogue. These people know that we never objected to any dialogue but today I want to ask these people. How can we hold dialogue with a Chairman who is acting as campaign manager for PTI-Q? How can we hold dialogue with a Chairman that works as a divider rather than unite the party by supporting one particular group? How can we hold dialogue with a Chairman that refuse to lead the whole party and insist on only leading a small group? What are chances of the success of a dialogue when the attitude is my way or highway by the status quo in the party and fully supported by the Chairman?

Personally I don’t think there is any point in holding dialogue until there are guarantees that Chairman is neutral. We can compete with PTI-Q in a free and fair IPE and inshallah defeat them too. But how do we compete with a Chairman that founded the party to change Pakistan but does not reflect it in his actions. A Chairman that continue violating his own promises of turning party into an institution by interfering with an autonomous and independent party election commission to facilitate certain people of his choice. It is heart breaking and disturbing.

