Ghulam Ali performs in India despite Shiv Sena protests last year




Are there clear skies ahead for Pakistani artistes visiting India? Legendary ghazal singer Ghulam Ali was finally able to perform in Kolkata after his earlier concert was cancelled in Mumbai last year due to security threats, reported IANS

The maestro expressed his gratitude and happiness at the beginning of the concert: “I am very happy today. I have been coming to Kolkata for 30 to 35 years. But this time it feels like I have come back after 50 years. I was so sad and today my sadness ends.”

He also lauded the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee as he performed with his son Aamir at Netaji Indoor Stadium. He referred to Banerjee as Saraswati who is the Hindu goddess of wisdom and music: “I am grateful to her. She has done us a favour in the form of Saraswati.”

The minister welcomed the singer by gifting him a shawl and scarf and also requested Ghulam Ali to revisit Kolkata. He has previously performed in the city in 1981.

He also gave a humble response about his own skill of singing as he was taught by Baray Ghulam sahab: “Gana wana mujhe nahi aata (I don’t know how to sing). I only know how to listen,” he said.

He added: “I used to be after them [to learn].”

Ghulam Ali’s concerts in Mumbai and Delhi were cancelled in 2015 due to threats from Shiv Sena, a Hindu extremist party in Maharashtra. The singer, who had then vowed to not perform in India until Pak-India relations improved, had confirmed his participation in the upcoming concert, organised by West Bengal Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (WBMDFC) at the Park Circus Maidan in Kolkata.



  1. Paki singers are obsessed to perform in India for the sake of money and fame.Indians singers don’t even give a damn importance to Pakistan.

  2. اليوم لقد اتيتكم بموقع رائع انا اعجبني شخصيا وهو يحتوي على باقة من العاب بنات جديدة ومتجدد دائما ولمن لا يعرف العاب بنات فهي العاب فلاش تلعب على المتصفح بدون تحميل وتلعب مباشرة والعاب البنات هي بدورها فيها عدة اصناف وهي العاب الماكياج وفي هذا النوع يجب وضع الماكياج للبنت الموجودة في اللعبة وهناك كتير منها ويوجد كذلك العاب طبخ وهذا الصنف عنده محبين اكتر من السابق بفارق كبير وهو المميز عند الجميع سواء كانو بناتا او اولادا وايضا الصغار يلعبون فيه كتيرا وهو الاكتر انتشارا في النت ومواقعه كتيرة ويوجد صنف آخر وهو اقل منه قليلا في الشهرة وهو صنف التلبيس هذا الصنف ايضا يعشقه كتير من البنات وعدد قليل من الاولاد وكل صنف من هذه الاصناف توجد به العاب خاصة بشخصية معينة مشهورة فمتلا باربي ستجدها في جميع هذه الاصناف متلا العاب تلبيس باربي او العاب طبخ باربي او العاب ماكياج باربي وهكذا وهناك شخصيات كتيرة في هذه الالعاب وهي الاكتر شهرة طبعا عن باقي الشخصيات الغير معروفة وهذا الموقع يقدم جميع هذه الاصناف التي تندرج تحت نوع العاب بنات فمرحبا بكم جميعا

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