Iranian military seizes 2 US Navy boats


The Iranian military seized two US Navy boats and were holding them in custody on the Iran’s Farsi Island in the middle of the Gulf, US officials told NBC News.

According to the officials, said it was unclear whether the 10 American sailors, who were aboard one of the small riverine boats, had strayed into Iranian territorial waters before they were captured.

Officials said the Americans were on a training mission when their boat experienced mechanical difficulty and drifted into Iranian-claimed waters and was seized by the Iranian coast guard.

Secretary of State John Kerry has been on the phone with Iranian officials in Tehran attempting to gain the release. One senior official told NBC News the Iranians understand it was a mistake and have agreed to release the Americans in international waters within hours.

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook told The Associated Press that the boats were moving between Kuwait and Bahrain when the US lost contact with them.


  1. The Iranian authorities would sure return the sailors and the boats but have dared to prove that there is someone on this US/UN owned planet who can dare – like they did with US Embassy staff decades ago. It is US charasctric to harass nations like they are doing in the South China Sea. Iran dared to do it even if under US/UN sanctions.

  2. How can two military patrol boats surrender to Iranians on 14 foot runabouts? Where was the commanding officer when he had his crew stand down and be humiliated like this to the world.

    Thank G-d that we had Kerry who was able to beg for forgiveness and apologize to the Iranians for the release of the USN sailors. We should also be thankful as Americans that the Iranians didn't want to hijack a Carrier.

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