The Pakistani brain drain


Brain drain means a situation in which many educated or professional people leave a particular place for better pay and standard living. Primarily, brain drain has been seen in the third world countries among which Pakistan is as concerned. Pakistan is a country blessed with talented individuals who excel in various walks of life, both locally and internationally. However, due to a mixture of reasons, a lot of these talented individuals have become disillusioned with the current state of affairs in the country. The result is a brain drain that is leading to more and more Pakistanis leaving the county. There are currently over seven million Pakistanis living outside the country. The growing inequality, nepotism and favouritism and lack of opportunities have distressed the minds of youth. These core reasons make them unable to have suitable platform where they can easily utilise their skills, and they go foreign to avail good opportunities.

Brain drain is one of the causes of downfall of economy and culture of any nation. Most of the people prefer good opportunities and consequently they forget their own culture and adopt new one. Brain drain always occurs in any nation when there is inequality, corruption, favouritism and nepotism in distribution of jobs, wealth, careers etc. Resultantly, this creates inequality and people are forced to leave their nation.

It is essential for Pakistan to adopt a merit based policy in hiring new talent. It will not only boost up the economy of our country but political and social aspects also will be prosperous.


Khairpur Mirs


  1. Merit policy in Pakistan? Looks like that will not happen in my lifetime. I left 16 years ago and tried to come back couple of times. Sad but I have given up now.

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