Religion and Kingdom


Pakistan ought to have taken a position along with Iran and Syria (who are actually fighting against Daesh), rather than standing with Saudi Arabia and its 34 almost coercively collected companions (who are fighting against no one). Interestingly one of these partner countries (Yemen) is also the one that is bombed by Saudi Arabia on a daily basis.

Pakistan appears to be intentionally mixing up two very unrelated matters – the two holy sites and the ruling family of Saudi Arabia. The first is a permanent geographical reality (and under no threat), while the second is a transient political phenomenon which could always be vulnerable to changes with time.

Sadly, our Prime Minister’s statement that “Pakistan would always stand with the people of Saudi Arabia against any threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom” is neither rational nor desirable. Pakistan is itself in the midst of a serious insurgency that is largely based on a sectarian world view of the militants. Our entire concentration, armed forces and resources are needed to resolve internal militancy and extremism. To enter into newer sectarian swamps is asking for trouble that we may never be able to extricate ourselves from.

