Talks with the Saudi foreign minister


And regional concerns

Saudi Arabia is a brotherly country Pakistan cannot ignore. Iran is a friendly neighbour that Pakistan can ill afford to lose. That the Saudi foreign minister first visited the COAS underlined the main purpose behind the visit i.e., seeking a greater role for the Pakistani army in Saudi misadventures that have already landed Riyadh in the Yemen quagmire. Saudi Kingdom also wants Pakistan to play a major role in the Saudi-led military alliance with an undefined agenda. Those who joined the alliance are now being required to cut off ties with Iran.

Pakistan’s strategic interests, on the other hand, demand closer relations with Iran. It was understandable on the part of Nawaz Sharif to reiterate the country’s traditional policy of standing shoulder to shoulder with the people of Saudi Arabia against any threat to its territorial integrity and sovereignty. Pakistan knows that the Kingdom faces no physical threat from its perceived opponents.

Without directly saying no, Pakistan has politely conveyed to the Kingdom that in view of its own existential battle against terrorists, which is far from over, it is not in a position to oblige an old friend. Meanwhile, Pakistan would continue to train Saudi forces while its soldiers will stand guard as before to provide security to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. For the time being the ‘multi-faceted cooperation’ on the part of Pakistan cannot extend beyond the limited sphere.

If the Saudi Kingdom had expected Pakistan to respond like its Gulf allies it is bound to be disappointed. But realistically speaking Pakistan cannot afford to follow in the footsteps of the Gulf countries. Pakistan is currently in the process of improving its relations with neighbouring India, Afghanistan and Iran. This is required to have a conducive security environment as well as to invigorate an ailing economy. Friendly relations with Iran are also needed in view of its potential for gas supplies as well as for a tension free border.


  1. This is an editorial of wisdom. What the Saudis seek is follow the leader over the cliff. The Royal Family's Wahhabi ideology spread far and wide has fanned a flame that will blaze up around them an will be extinguished by their own people from within. That is why they are rounding up people and having mass executions to silence critics that speak truth & justice. The Royal Family is as bad as The Shah of Iran.

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