The shocking cost of staying at home this New Year




One person in four is planning on seeing in the new year at home with their partner while another one in seven will be at a dinner or party at a friend’s house and a similar number will be home alone, according to Post Office Money research.

Overall an astonishing 37million people – or 73% of the population – will be at either their home or a friend or relative’s on midnight, December 31

But while you might think those staying in – rather than going out – to see in 2016 would save money, an awful lot of them could end up with a rather big bill as a result.

One party host in 10 experienced damage to their home at a New Year’s party last year, while a combination of alcohol and late nights ups the risk of damage to the house for those staying in whether they have friends round or not.

Post Office Money found the average cost of the various breakages set party hosts back an additional £143.

“This year 37 million people across the UK are opting to celebrate New Year’s Eve at their own or a friend or family’s home,” said Rob Clarkson, managing director of Post Office Money insurance.

“Celebrating at home isn’t without risks. Our research has shown damages can be significantly more than your average night out would cost.”

5 ways to protect against damage at home

We asked Post Office Money for their top tips for a fun, but accident free, New Year’s Eve:

  1. Prepare for minor cleaning emergencies throughout the night- stains can set in quickly, so be ready to act fast
  2. If at all possible, cover carpets to prevent damage from spilt food and drinks
  3. Protect your valuables so they’re not damaged, broken or worst yet, stolen!
  4. Put a family member in charge of coats and guests’ other belongings. This will prevent partygoers straying into rooms they shouldn’t!
  5. If you have an open fire, be sure to place a fireguard in front of it to prevent accidents from stray sparks