Zardari’s acquittal


Two cases against Asif Zardari have been dropped for lack of evidence as the files pertaining to the cases in the custody of the NAB went missing. Mystery surrounds. One of the cases is that of alleged six percent commission two Swiss companies – SGS and Cotecna – deposited in the AZ’s Swiss bank account. The sum amounted to 60 million dollars. Not only the Swiss bank acknowledged receiving the booty, AZ’s Swiss adviser and wheeler-dealer Jens Schlegilmitch confessed to his government that the plunder had been deposited into AZ’s Swiss bank account. Now the NAB has lost the files. Why doesn’t the government, if it is serious in the matter, request the Swiss authorities and its court to send copies of the case to proceed against AZ? However, the common perception about the NAB is that it only nets prawns and not the crocodiles. I suggest Zardari to bring his wealth back and convert it to white money by paying a fraction on it according to new scheme for whitening black money. Other buccaneers who siphoned off public money and deposited it to foreign shores could follow suit.

