Police arrest landlord for chopping off boy’s hands



Police have arrested an influential landlord and his two accomplices for allegedly chopping off the hands of a 17-year-old farmworker whose family had failed to repay a loan of Rs 15,000.

The incident took place around two months ago in Hafizabad. “Asad Israr-ul-Haq and his two accomplices have chopped off hand of 17-year-old Akram Abu Bakar,” said a copy of the police report.

“The victim’s family had borrowed Rs 15,000 from the landlord and they were not able to return it,” it added. Police said the attackers had used a feed chopper to mutilate the teenager.Abu Bakar’s family returned to their native district of Sheikhupura after the attack, fearing further reprisals from the landowner. They were eventually persuaded by a local journalist to break their silence, police said. Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif had asked police to submit their report to him.