PEF to recruit 300 teachers, open 10 mobile schools in Cholistan


Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) has approved the appointment of 300 trained teachers to promote the cause of education particularly in far flung areas of the province.

According to sources, these teachers would be recruited in January 2016 and their tests would be conducted by NTS to ensure transparent recruitment.  The maximum age limit for recruitment of such teachers has been fixed at 50 years with master degree. Applications would be received to 12 January.

Meanwhile the Punjab Education Foundation has started Mobile Schooling project in Cholistan for the children of gypsies. Under the project, 10 mobile schools have been opened in three district of Bahawalpur division comprising Cholistan desert areas.

The Chairman of PEF Qamarul Islam Raja said that in addition to monthly salary, teachers of these schools would also be provided motorcycles and petrol facilities.


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