NASA footage shows huge meteor racing towards Earth



A meteor is racing towards Earth at a speed of 29,000mph, a short video released by space agency NASA has shown.

NASA released the video along with a short statement after it received numerous reports of the object over the state of Georgia.

NASA confirmed the object was a meteor which had entered Earth’s atmosphere. “All 6 NASA all sky meteor cameras in the Southeast picked up the meteor at an altitude of 50 miles above the town of Georgia (south east of Atlanta),” the statement read.

According to the Express, the meteor was tracked by NASA as it flew 17 miles above the town of Locust Grove, where it slowed to a speed of 9,000 miles per hour.

The agency said it was a possibility that fragments reached the ground. “A more detailed analysis will be performed and further details will follow if this analysis still indicates the possibility of a meteorite fall”, the statement added.

This article originally appeared on Mirror.