Quaid’s dreams of justice for all, supremacy of Constitution not fulfilled: Dr. Tahirul Qadri


Chief of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) Dr. Tahirul Qadri has said that it is matter of concern that dreams of founder of country, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah regarding justice for all without any discrimination and supremacy of the constitution has not been fulfilled.

Addressing a cake-cutting ceremony on Quaid Day celebration on Saturday, Qadri reminded that when the Quaid was the governor general of Pakistan, he did not give permission to open the railway gate just because he was the governor general but today the rulers are shredding apart the constitution and law apart as they do not move an inch unless all the roads are closed for them. He said the roads are closed for the general public due to the VIP movement.

He said that the Quaid had banned the involvement of government officials in politics but today police, the civil bureaucracy and the election commission is part of politics as they do all the dirty work for the rulers. He said the worst example is the Model Town tragedy where the police and civil bureaucracy were fully involved in the killings of 14 innocent PAT workers.

The PAT Chairman went to the residence of late Justice (Retd) Dr. Javed Iqbal and condoled his death with wife Justice (r) Nasira Iqbal his son Munib Iqbal.

Later Qadri chaired the Central Advisory Council meeting and approved the formation of a think-tank for the projects of health, education, economics, foreign affairs, media and environment. He said without a think-tank, ground realities cannot be studied or understood and policies cannot be devised. He said he wanted to see PAT adopt the most modern technologies so that PAT could serve the people to the best of its abilities. Dr. Hassan Mohiyuddin Qadri, Dr. Hussain Mohiyuddin Qadri, Khurram Nawaz Gandapur, Major (r) Mohammed Saeed and others attended the meeting.