Pakistan Today

Support price delay: Sindh sugarcane growers appeal PM for intervention

Sugarcane growers on Saturday rejected the notification for support price of sugarcane for the season 2015-16 and announced a protest against Sindh government on sugarcane price issue, at Karachi Press Club (KPC).

Nawab Muhammad Yausaf Talpur, MNA, Abdul Majeed Nizamani, President Sindh Abadgar Board (SAB), Nabi Bux Sathio of Sindh Chamber of Agriculture (SCA) and other leaders of sugarcane growers held a press conference and pointed out the problems of cane farmers.

They said that fixing support price of sugarcane before the start of crushing season is the requirement under law but the said notification is still awaited despite assurances given by Sindh chief minister and minister for agriculture on various occasions.

Even arrears of Rs. 10 per 40kg (arrears of 2014-15 season) have also not been paid by the mills in Sindh despite the order of the honorable high court.

They told that the prime minister has fixed the rate of Rs. 180 per 40 kg and subsequently Punjab government has notified the same rate of Rs. 180 per 40 kg as support price for sugarcane season 2015-16, but Sindh government is absolutely unmoved on this issue. This is why most sugar mills of Sindh province are paying Rs. 160 per 40 kg to the growers, which is their economic exploitation to benefit the sugar mills mafia of Sindh.

The growers appealed to the prime minister to intervene as they have lost hope in the Sindh government. They also appealed to Bar Councils, Journalist Associations and Political Parties to support the judicious stance of farmers.

They announced that the farmers will attend hearing at high court Hyderabad bench on 29th December, gather at Bhitt Shah on Friday, 01st January, and a Dharna will be held at 01, pm on Monday, 04, January at KPC. Later, they would observe a token hunger strike daily from 5th January, 2016 at the KPC till their demands are accepted.

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