Sindh Assembly session adjourned because of Ruckus over Rangers’ powers extension


Sindh Assembly (SA) session was adjourned on Monday till Tuesday 10 AM after the speaker Agha Siraj Durrani failed to restore order in the House amid sloganeering from opposition lawmakers.

The provincial assembly was in session when opposition lawmakers gathered on the floor of the assembly and demanded that a resolution be tabled regarding the extension of Rangers’ powers in the province.

Speaker Agha Siraj Durrani did not grant the lawmakers’ request, saying that he may allow it only after completion of pending business on the agenda.

But, after the Speaker failed to restore order in the House amid sloganeering from opposition lawmakers gathered around his seat, adjourning the session without any further business.



  1. If Nawaz and Shabaz are real men and have the interest of Pakistanis to heart they should dissolve the Sindh government with immediate effect! Get rid of the thieving Tola!

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