Two hurt in West Bank car ramming, Palestinian attacker killed


A Palestinian driver ran over and injured two Israeli soldiers in the West Bank Friday before being shot dead, Israeli security services said.

“A Palestinian rammed his vehicle at IDF soldiers” near the West Bank Jewish settlement of Ofra north of Ramallah, an army statement said.

“In response forces on site fired at the assailant,” it added.

Police said the alleged attacker had been killed.

Palestinian security sources identified him as 19-year-old Anas Basam Hamad from near Ofra.

The soldiers were taken to hospital, with Israel’s medical service describing their conditions as not life threatening.

The attack came hours after another one roughly 20 kilometres (12 miles) away in which a Palestinian stabbed and wounded an Israeli before being shot dead.

The incident took place near the village of Kfar Abud, between Ramallah and Nablus in the northern West Bank.

The army said the attack took place at a checkpoint.

“The assailant exited his vehicle and stabbed the soldier in the neck,” a statement said.

A wave of violence that erupted on October 1 has so far claimed the lives of more than 120 people, including 109 Palestinians and 17 Israelis.

More than half of the Palestinians have been alleged assailants.