Army should take over country for the sake of democracy, says anchor with straight face


    Lahore – Our Bullsh*t Correspondent: In a marvellous feat of mental agility and a control over one’s body that rivals that of star athletes, Hassan Mujahid Kharral, a local TV talk show anchor said on his show on Saturday, with a completely straight face, that the army should take over the country to protect democracy in the country.

    But this was only the first part of the masterful performance; the “prestige” was to follow. When told by one of his panelists that this was a self-contradicting and downright silly statement, Kharral said there was, in fact, no contradiction and that when he said democracy, he meant “true” democracy.

    While maintaining aforementioned straight face, he said that since political parties don’t carry out internal elections, there shouldn’t be any general elections in the country.

    This isn’t the first time Kharral has maintained a completely straight face while delivering a political non sequitur. He has earlier said, without as much of a wince, that those journalists who say there is no freedom of speech in the country should be shot dead.